Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Put Your Hands Down, Fools!

It was bad enough in law school having to sit through "intellectual exercises" thrust upon us by overly-zealous students who think they are now qualified to teach the class. However, you could understand their zeal just a little bit because they drank the same Koolaid as the rest of us and thought that there was still time left to work their way up the ladder and get that letter of recommendation from Professor Ascot that will give them a prestigious clerkship with Federal Judge Senior Status.

What I don't understand is attorneys who are well-established shit law attorneys who think that shooting their hand up and asking bizarro pseudo-intellectual tangent questions during CLE being given by the one Cooley Grad who wasn't working as the parking lot attendant at the hotel is going to finally get them places.


  1. Some people love to show off how much they buy into this bullcrap known as "the law." I detest suck-ups. These people have no balls, and feel the need to constantly impress authority figures.

  2. Remember the "Bramble Bush" from K law? It's OK if you don't. No one in my TTT cracked their book open either!

  3. Who the phuck asks questions at CLEs?

    -- The Edjumacted One

  4. Hey guys-- I'm guilty as charged. I recently sat in a six hour CLE and asked three questions. I was "that guy." Why? Because I was bored out of my skull and the six hour "comprehensive" Federal litigation seminar was a basic regurgitation of FRCP 26 through 37 and I was bored out of my skull and kicking myself for not bringing more billable work to the seminar. So I asked questions related to pending cases that I had to try and wring something out of the useless exercise. It was the only way I could keep from falling asleep in my chair. So to the collective group, let me say-- I'm sorry.

  5. 7:32, it depends upon what you are asking. I've been in CLE where a person will participate and ask intelligent questions, and it didn't bother me in the slightest. Crazy people who decide that they want to argue with the presenter over something nobody gives a shit about....

  6. 3L who recently asked a question during a "presentation" (I am being generous). It was not so much to "suck up to authority," but to alleviate boredom and, honestly, get a bit of clarification. If that makes me a bastard, so be it. Just call me Mr. Bastard.
